:: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan Daedalus 5.…
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Auteur: Ralph Ronnquist
Datum: 2024-12-26 21:27 -000
Aan: devuan-dev
Onderwerp: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan Daedalus 5.0.1 isos won't load in libreboot
On Thu, Dec 26, 2024 at 04:36:03PM +0100, Olivia May wrote:
> Hello Devuan Devs,
> When I burn the installer-isos to a usb and try booting from
> Libreboot, it doesn't work. It loads the devuan background image but
> it won't load the grub menu that lets you install Devuan. I've only
> tested the netinstall and desktop from the installer-iso/ directory.
> Devuan Chimaera netinstall and desktop works. Libreboot doesn't load
> the background but it loads the grub menu.

No, it's a *syslinux* menu. The ISOs boot system is syslinux only. But
that's not a problem.

> I've tried reformatting the usb, zeroing it out, and Daedalus still
> doesn't work. Chimaera works on the same usb. I'm using a lenovo
> thinkpad x230 with Libreboot with an Intel CPU.
> Did I do something wrong for Daedalus? Is there a specific command I
> have to use to burn the ISO? I've been using dd. Is this a problem
> with Libreboot?

At a guess, the problem is that you have copied the ISO as a file into
a filesystem on the USB, rather than copied the ISO onto the USB
device as a whole. Then you use some other boot system (Ventoy?) that
lets you select and chain-load the kernal and initrd from that ISO
file But that boot system *does not then present the ISO file as a
mountable partition*, and therefore the installer doesn't find it.

That method works only with disyributions that are fully contained in
their initrd. Devuan installer ISOs require access to the ISO as a
mountable partition.

It's actually the same issue for chimaera ISOs, except that it's
startup is different. So it shows the initial installation dialogs as
if it would work. However especially it's partition utility is then
reduced to use FAT or ext2 only, and it will also have problems to
install the base system (because the software for other filesystems as
well as base system packages need to be loaded from to ISO after
mounting it).


> Thank you,
> Olivia

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