:: Re: [DNG] Quirinux 2.0 Stable Relea…
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著者: Charlie Martinez - Quirinux Sistema Operativo
To: Mario Marietto
CC: golinux, dng
題目: Re: [DNG] Quirinux 2.0 Stable Release (Devuan-based distro)
Hello Mario, I don’t know if you’ve tried Quirinux yet, in that case,
your question surprises me a bit... although I appreciate it, as I love
taking a moment to elaborate on this point.

To begin with... it's not based on Ubuntu :-D Therefore, we don't have
Snap by default, although we have included the Mint Software Center with
Flatpak enabled by default for those who need a newer version of a
program than the ones we include (and we've developed a graphical
utility to disable Flatpak for those who prefer not to use it). But
truth be told, Ubuntu Studio is designed for audiovisual production,
whereas Quirinux is specifically tailored for animated filmmaking.

Unlike Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio, Quirinux prioritizes stability over
novelty. We are animators, and we include preinstalled programs in the
versions that we have tested and found to be the most stable for production.

That is to say, Quirinux has its own repository where we package
specific applications for animated filmmaking in .deb format, such as
Tahoma2D or Storyboarder, which are usually only available as AppImages.
This provides better performance compared to the AppImages that would
need to be used on Ubuntu Studio (unless the Quirinux repository is
added to Ubuntu Studio’s sources). Furthermore, the Quirinux application
menu is different from Ubuntu Studio or any other distribution: it’s
organized into departments similar to those in animation studios
(Pre-production, Inking and Coloring...), with everything translated
into multiple languages, including English. The program descriptions
shown in the menu have been customized to make the transition easier for
users coming from Windows or Mac.

We include a version of GIMP that can be configured to look like
Photoshop (including keyboard shortcuts) or as native GIMP for those who
prefer it. We use the desktop notification system to offer small tips
for finding hidden features or providing usage recommendations, also
translated into multiple languages. We developed a style manager with
several predefined styles so that Quirinux can resemble different
versions of Windows or Mac. We optimized memory management for Ardour by
default. We added drivers for tablets that our users reported weren’t
working for them...

Additionally, we successfully installed it on a 2012 Mac where Ubuntu
wouldn’t work—no issues at all! We also programmed a graphical utility
to enable Bluetooth (which we have disabled by default to reduce
resource consumption). Phew... honestly, we’ve put a lot of love into
this. I truly believe it’s nothing like Ubuntu Studio. It’s more similar
to AV Linux, although we understand that AV Linux is a fantastic
distribution for audio editing (and some video editing), while Quirinux
adopts a specific workflow and logic for 2D, 3D, and stop-motion animators.

Best regards.

El 25/11/24 a las 21:23, Mario Marietto escribió:
> What are the differences between Ubuntu Studio and Quirinux ?
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 9:12 PM Charlie Martinez - Quirinux Sistema
> Operativo via Dng <dng@???> wrote:
>     Hello, golinux,

>     First of all, thank you for responding to me.

>     I think there was a misunderstanding here. Perhaps my English is
>     bad, and I wasn’t able to express myself properly. The truth is, I
>     am NOT in any rush. I only came to announce the release of the
>     stable version, while on the previous occasion, I announced the
>     release of RC2. These were two different events, not repeated
>     insistence on the same release.

>     Furthermore, in my previous email, I don’t believe I suggested its
>     inclusion in the derivatives list. In any case, I did say that "it
>     would be an honor," which means I wasn’t requesting it—I said it
>     with empathy. :-)

>     I don’t play with toys either. Quirinux has its own history:
>     https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quirinux
>     <https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quirinux>
>     This is a distribution we started in 2019, basing it on Debian:
>     https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/Quirinux
>     <https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/Quirinux>

>     I’ve only come to announce the release of the first stable version
>     of our distro based on Devuan, which is obviously not intended for
>     Devuan users. Devuan users use Devuan and write their emails in
>     plain text, and that’s perfectly fine. Quirinux is for animated
>     film creators, although that doesn’t make it any less of a Devuan
>     derivative—just like so many others that are not designed for
>     those of us who are programmers or system administrators. Quirinux
>     is a typical niche distribution designed for communities that have
>     plenty of patience when it comes to writing... and responding ;-).
>     It’s for users who are not coming from GNU/Linux, who are
>     migrating to free software from Windows or Mac, and who thought
>     there was no life beyond Adobe. Users who are probably not on this
>     mailing list, though they might eventually visit the Devuan website.

>     I’m sorry if I caused any kind of inconvenience, but I wanted to
>     clarify that there’s no impatience here or anything like that—just
>     the happiness of letting you know that, thanks to Devuan XFCE,
>     Quirinux can now be installed on Dual Core machines with 2 GB of
>     RAM and and Mac computers made obsolete by Apple (with Intel
>     processors), working perfectly for creating animated films,
>     something we couldn’t achieve with Debian (at least for this new
>     Quirinux 2.0 version).

>     So we’re very grateful to Devuan; I just wanted to let you know that.
>     Best regards.

>     Charlie

>     El 25/11/24 a las 19:45, golinux escribió:
>>     Hello Charles,

>>     On 2024-11-25 11:49, Charlie Martinez - Quirinux Sistema
>>     Operativo via Dng wrote:
>>>     On November 9th, 2024, I released the stable version 2.0 of
>>>     Quirinux, a Devuan-based distribution designed for animated film
>>>     creators.

>>>     (Some time ago, I told you about our RC.)

>>     That wasn't even a month ago! Impatience is not a virtue . . .

>>     New Devuan distros are usually added when there is an "animated"
>>     response (pun intended) from our users. Then the list is usually
>>     updated when there is a new Devuan release. Patience, grasshopper
>>     . . .

>>>     I’d love for you to try it out, and if possible, being featured
>>>     on https://www.devuan.org/os/devuan-distros
>>>     <https://www.devuan.org/os/devuan-distros>
>>>     <https://www.devuan.org/os/devuan-distros> would be an honor for
>>>     us.

>>     We do not play with toys here. We do real work. And there are
>>     barely enough of us to to do that!

>>     Note that over the years there have been quite a few Devuan-based
>>     distros that are NOT on our official list. Only those that are
>>     actually being used and discussed/reviewed by Devuan users are
>>     included.

>>     To date there have been 247 views of your announcement but not
>>     one response. That says volumes. Devuan users communicate in
>>     plain text so that's not surprising. Seems our user-base might be
>>     a bit of a mismatch . . .

>>     So please be patient and let's see if your distro catches some
>>     attention. There is no need to keep reminding us about it. :)

>>     Thanks,
>>     golinux

>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     Dng mailing list
>>>     Dng@???
>>>     Manage your subscription:
>>>     https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dng
>>>     Archive: https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/list/dng.en.html

>     _______________________________________________
>     Dng mailing list
>     Dng@???
>     Manage your subscription:
>     https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dng
>     Archive: https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/list/dng.en.html

> --
> Mario.

Un saludo


Charlie Martínez
Quirinux Sistema Operativo
Email: cmartinez@???
Telegram: t.me/canal_quirinux | Web: www.quirinux.org
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