:: Re: [DNG] Computer language discuss…
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Autor: zeitgeisteater
Data: 2024-11-20 20:56 -000
Para: onefang
CC: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Computer language discussions are always on topic at GoLUG
Real programmers write their executable's bits in raw ternary.

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On Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 at 1:19 AM, onefang <onefang_devuan@???> wrote:

> On 2024-11-11 19:26:12, Steve Litt wrote:
> > onefang said on Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:02:25 +1000
> >
> > > A quick search is not showing up APL or TECO. I suspect most of the
> > > other obscure languages in my 100 would also be hard to find on Linux.
> >
> > I know nothing about APL, but if you were to speak on TECO, I doubt
> > you'd get one attendee. Most of us have seen TECO in action, and most
> > of those vowed never to get near it.
> >
> > To those who don't know what TECO is, it's ugly and dangerous.
> A text editor that morphed into a programming language, if I recall
> correctly.
> Long time ago the government of the Australian state of Victoria decided
> to legalise brothels. I was working for the Victorian Law Department at
> the time. Legal brothels had to be licensed, so long story short I ended
> up with the job of modifying the associations licensing database to suit
> this new job. That database was written in TECO, I ended up with the job
> coz no one still working there knew TECO, and they knew I could learn it
> quickly and be up and running before the end of the day. One and only
> time I used TECO, coz I was paid to use it.
> APL is very readable, if you are doing a lot of matrix type mathematics.
> Otherwise it's even worse than Perl one liners, since most of it's
> characters are not part of the ASCII character set. Probably in Unicode
> though, they put everything in that. Certainly not on any keyboard that
> wasn't designed for typing APL. Such things exist, I have used them.
> I'm unlikely to give lectures in either, I was just checking if two of
> the obscure languages that have been mentioned here recently, and that I
> have used, are in Linux. Not after a quick search, which is all the
> effort I was willing to put in.
> So GoLUG gets to avoid an ancient obscure graybeard pontificating about
> ancient obscure languages to an empty room. More importantly, I don't
> have to relearn enough about TECO to lecture on it. B-)
> I'd be willing to relearn APL, or some descendent of it, if it was
> available on Devuan. I'm considering going for an official world record
> for the number of programming languages used by a human. I say human,
> coz apparently AIs have zoomed right past my 100, and are over 300 last I
> checked. APL would have to be part of that effort, being my first
> programming language. Purely sentimental value.
> Hmmm, wonder how long it takes an AI to learn a programming language from
> scratch? I might still beat them. B-)
> --
> A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
> coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.
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