Hallo all,
For the event on December 12 in Amsterdam I just learned that I can not be there. I am going to start a new job at Martel Innovate and they are hosting an event with all employees on Dec ember 12, and I want/have to be there.
So I think we can continue it but then other people have to moderate and have interventions or we do it ourselves in January purely remote.
Any ideas?
Hallo John,
Great to see the 2013 text:
brico-histories – the neoscenes/tech-no-mad (b)log ::
It is so rich to read the last posts and the diversity of positions.
It made me think of the notion of Heidegger, aleithea or the open space in the woods. To me this always signified the open line running through time that signalled possibilities or potentiality. The notion of potentiality itself. When I first found out about IoT/ total connectivity - I realised sensors and binaries would slowly ir quickly eradicate the in-between, the hesitation- love and care of and in situations, and so it did and does and I think the open space still exists but in our minds and bodies which we have to take extremely good care of.
This does not imply that there is nothing we can do within these boundaries of the technological real, like working on open source solutions, privacy and security, commons and a pragmatic cybernetics story.
There are so many people with important stories to tell on this list, please keep them coming,
Salut, Rob