:: Re: [DNG] Waaay OT: EVs 'n Solar 'n…
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Autor: golinux
Fecha: 2024-11-19 02:07 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Waaay OT: EVs 'n Solar 'n Tractors
On 2024-11-18 19:49, golinux wrote:
> On 2024-11-18 19:04, William Peckham via Dng wrote:
>>> Commonly available reasonably priced items please - - - - need an
>>> quote or a hard numbers source - - - not an assertion.
> See https://chargelab.co/blog/lithium-iron-phosphate-batteries
> You see that these cells still use Lithium, although less, but NO
> cobalt or
> nickle. They run much cheaper than current Lithium Ion batteries, and
> can
> live vor 3 to 5 times longer. They have somewhat less capacity per
> pound,
> so you need to design for a slightly bigger cell or plan on a shorter
> range. (I would choose the longer range larger cell myself.)
> [Cut]

ENOUGH ALREADY! PLEEEEASE take this discussion elsewhere or I will have
to bother Dyne to lock or delete or do whatever with this thread to stop
it stuffing Devuan logs with this off-topic nonsense.

Thank you,