:: Re: [DNG] Waaay OT: EVs 'n Solar 'n…
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Autor: William Peckham
Datum: 2024-11-19 01:04 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Waaay OT: EVs 'n Solar 'n Tractors
>> Commonly available reasonably priced items please - - - - need an
>> quote or a hard numbers source - - - not an assertion.

See https://chargelab.co/blog/lithium-iron-phosphate-batteries

You see that these cells still use Lithium, although less, but NO cobalt or
nickle. They run much cheaper than current Lithium Ion batteries, and can
live vor 3 to 5 times longer. They have somewhat less capacity per pound,
so you need to design for a slightly bigger cell or plan on a shorter
range. (I would choose the longer range larger cell myself.)

Cold is only a problem if you allow it to be. Every EV should come with a
manual and guidelines for dealing with environmental factors just as IC
vehicles should (and used to). They are working on making ALL EV cells
more independent on temperature.
I drove in northern Michigan and north central North Dakota in -25F to -40F
night temperatures. You equip your IC vehicles with battery and engine
warmers at those temperatures, use lower temperature lubricants, and
operate differently. EV vehicles should not be a bigger issue. (After
all, they work at the poles, on the moon and mars, and in orbit!)

I like the idea that if I load solar panels in the back I can charge the
car while parked using them. I cannot carry a petroleum refinery in my
car, but I can carry some solar panels.

These new cells are in use NOW. And there are a couple of other
chemistries in processing to be in production soon that should be even
cheaper, longer lasting, avoid using Lithium at all, and MIGHT serve cell
phone and other mobile use (which Lithium Iron is not very suitable for).
But I would not trust cost projections on new cells before they market.

William B. Peckham
Senior Network/Systems Administrator