:: Re: [DNG] What languages are actual…
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Auteur: Didier Kryn
Datum: 2024-11-13 11:27 -000
Aan: dng
Nieuwe Onderwerpen: [DNG] Decimal fixed-point (WAS: Re: What languages are actually used?
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] What languages are actually used?
Le 11/11/2024 à 15:07, Curtis Maurand a écrit :
> I worked in insurance in an IBM house and IBM is big on Java, still. They’ve been big on porting a lot of cobol code to Java. I M has written tools to port over Cobol code. They don’t work, but they’re trying.
> Our policy management system called Point-in-C is now Point-in-Java.

    AFAIK, one of the critical points about bank computation is decimal
fixed point operations. I remember that old IBM mainframes had cpu
instructions for that.

    One might say that fixed point is like integer, but there are
surprising effects of rounding. I have tried this in Ada, which features
both binary and decimal fixed point numbers, with custom precision and
the two are different because of the precision and the rounding it
causes. Assigning a decimal value to a binary fixed point and printing
it doesn't always print the assigned value.

    I've read that fixed point operations are now available in C and
C++. I don't know as from which versions, and with which data type. And
what about decimal fixed point in Java?

--     Didier