:: Re: [DNG] Fwd: Waaay OT: EVs 'n Sol…
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Autor: tito
Datum: 2024-11-11 22:01 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Fwd: Waaay OT: EVs 'n Solar 'n Tractors [Was: Re: another programming language question
On Mon, 11 Nov 2024 21:57:35 +0100
marc <marcxdv@???> wrote:

> Hello
> > > Remember: The citizens of developed democracies are typically
> > > victims of much more sophisticated propaganda than those
> > > living under dictatorships. The propaganda of dictatorships
> > > can be crude as the citizens there don't get to vote.
> > > Democracies need to distract their citizens, to make elections
> > > a pointless spectacle and a sideshow. Don't be a victim.
> >
> > The question arise spontaneously, are you
> > part of this much more sophisticated propaganda?
> I totally accept that my claims can come across as
> wild-eyed, possibly even crackpot.
> But do look into it some more. My reply was to
> o1bigtenor who cited the IEA on its assessment
> on lithium reserves. The International Energy Agency:
> That sounds like an august organisation full of the
> world's best experts dispensing wise policy advice.
> They should know their stuff, right ? Our intuition
> would rate them as trustworthy, not so ?
> Well, let's see how their predictions on solar have
> been working out:
> https://www.pv-magazine.com/2018/11/20/iea-versus-solar-pv-reality/
> What conclusion would you draw from that ?
> regards
> marc


To be honest I'm not in the position to draw any conclusion,
but one thing life thought me is to be wary of people that think
that they are smart and all others are idiots:

"The citizens of developed democracies are typically
victims of much more sophisticated propaganda"

Translated I read: You, that would be me, as citizen of a
developed democracy, are an idiot and easy prey
of this much more sophisticated propaganda,
meanwhile, I, that would be you, am smart
and fully discern the real truth.

If you think about this you maybe agree with me
that this is not the best start for a fruitful discussion
of your ideas.

You should better avoid these word blobs and just
explain your view as otherwise they show that you
are also victim of some propaganda, just a different one.
