:: Re: [DNG] Fwd: Waaay OT: EVs 'n Sol…
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Autor: o1bigtenor
Fecha: 2024-11-10 23:15 -000
Cc: Devuan ML
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Fwd: Waaay OT: EVs 'n Solar 'n Tractors [Was: Re: another programming language question
On Sun, Nov 10, 2024 at 3:48 PM Simon Hobson <linux@???> wrote:
> o1bigtenor via Dng <dng@???> wrote:
> >In this mad scramble to ram EVs down every throat there is absolutely no mention
> >as to the actual scarcity of Lithium.
> Possibly because there is no scarcity.
> Lithium is actually quite plentiful. The only scarcity is down to economics - as demand increases and/or existing extraction/processing streams "dry up" then prices rise and it becomes economic to start extracting a different resource.
> A goid read on this is The No Breakfast Fallacy written by Tim Worstall https://www.adamsmith.org/research/the-no-breakfast-fallacy

Tried reading your item but can't get it to load - - - - it may be
far too festooned with 3rd party links.

You may want to read this: https://www.iea.org/reports/lithium


I was looking for something like the maps that showed supply vs
available supply (without doing ocean floor at 10k feet (3km)
below sea level) that used to be available for uranium, coal, etc etc
etc - - - of course can't find such at the moment.
You might be quite surprised as not only is the lithium tough to
source the cobalt is worse and both are very important at the
moment for contemporary Li-ion battery manufacture.