Hello terry.
The man page gives you more than what you wrote. You have [expression], which is
a complex part. If you scroll down a little, you'll read a section named
*Expression* which details what goes in there. I encourage you to read it at
least partially, as it may help you refine your command.
Summarily, for your request, to find a file named a specific way, use:
find /media/raid0/file -type f -iname '*Characters.ext'
You can delete them automatically by appending `-delete' to the command. Make
sure of what you find before deleting!
You can find empty files by using the `-empty' test. You can test for creation
time with `-mtime'. For example, you can find files older than 60 days by using
`-mtime +60'.
Hope it helps.
On Fri, 08 Nov 2024, terryc wrote:
>Hopefully just suffering brain fade here
>man find basically give
>find [starting point] [expression]
>is taken as two starting points.
>Example find /media/raid0/file /proc
>results in dumping everyfile under /media/raid0/file then /proc
>History. a quick and dirty backup system was set up to basically suck
>all the systems on the LAN without compression into /m/r/f/system/date/
>and that filesystem/hardware is getting very crowded and thoughts are
>to remove certain non-critical subdirectories or move the critical