:: [DNG] installation failure
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Συντάκτης: Haines Brown
Ημερομηνία: 2024-10-31 13:52 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: [DNG] installation failure
I've repeatedly tried to install daedalus to a SSD disk, but
whatever I do the newly installed operating system fails to boot.

The first thing I'm told on boot is that the boot logger is started
and he keyboard set up.

Checking the root filesystem...fsck.ext4: Permission denied while
trying to open /run/root/dev

You must have r/w access to the file system or be root

fsck exited with status code 0

failed (code 8)

An automatic filesystem check (fsck) of the root filesysem failed.

A manual fsck must be performedl, then the system restartd.

The fsck should be peformed in mainenance mode with the root
filesystem mounted in read only mode. ... failed.

The root file system is currently mounted in read-only mode

A mainteance shell will not be started

After performing system maintenance, press CONTROL-D to terminate the
maintenance shell and restart the system. ... (warning)

Give root password for mainenance


I'm trying to resolve this problem, but without luck. I understand the
boot failed because the fssk lacked permission to open /run/root/dev.

I enter maintenance mode and do

# fsck /dev/nvme0n1
/dev/nvme0n1 is in use
e2fsck: cannot continue, aborting

Or is the proble with /run permissions?

I assume /run is a mount point for tools needed early in the boot
process. Is /root/dev suposed to be mounted on /run? I find on
anorther machine that /run is owned by root and has permissions
-rw-r--r-- is not a directory but file

In devuan-live terminal, I find that run is owned by root and has
permissions drwxr-xr-x . It contains many file and directories, but
/run/ is not among them. At what point is the installer suposed to
mount (chroot?) /root/dev on /run? Could I manually do mount --bind
/dev /run ?

Is the implication that the /run mount point is not reabable or is
perhaps absent? How can I check on its its status?

Haines Brown