:: Re: [DNG] Error handling alternativ…
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Skribent: karl
Dato: 2024-10-25 19:37 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Error handling alternatives (was Re: another programming language question)
Kevin Chadwick:
> On 25/10/2024 16:53, karl@??? wrote:
> > I.e. I can see what file, function (depending on c version) and line
> > number, also I can follow the failure path. Can you do something
> > similar in ADA ?
> You can use the GNAT.Source_Info package. Ada chose not to allow macros as
> whilst occasionally useful. "They are always abused" (not meaning in your case
> here).
> For logging on a micro I use the following which is proven to silver level and
> so absent of runtime errors (can't crash).

There can always be some ionic radiation flipping bits...

I checked out elogs, it seems to save compilation date, software
version, device id ???, but can ADA find out that something happened
in file xx, line yy, in fuction zz ?

/Karl Hammar