:: Re: [DNG] another programming langu…
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Autor: Dan Purgert
Data: 2024-10-25 10:40 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] another programming language question
On Oct 24, 2024, o1bigtenor via Dng wrote:
> Greetings
> [...]
> Please advise

Learn enough C to read the vendor-supplied programming samples for the
microcontroller you own. This shouldn't be too expansive, in fact you
may "know" it already, by virtue of having learned a bit of Python

- loops (for/while)
- conditionals (case/if)
- libraries (i.e. vendor SDK, etc.)
- basic datatypes (int, char)
- recognition of pointers (even if you don't get into how they work)

I wouldn't expect this to take more than a few days at the most (maybe a
month before you don't have to refer back to "now what does '*p' mean
again...?" )

If you want to continue using C at that point, good.
If you want to go back to MicroPython, good.

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