:: Re: [DNG] flushling slim
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Autor: Tom
A: Brown Haines
CC: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] flushling slim

> On 25 Oct 2024, at 10:04, Haines Brown via Dng <dng@???> wrote:
> I need to get rid of slim "display manager" so that boot tOresents a
> cli text log in.
>    # update-rc.d -f slim disable 2

> This has no effect.
> I go to /etc/X11/default and comment the line /usr/bin/slim
> But this had no effect.
> My goal is to have startx start fluxbox automatsically. I suppose I
> could uninstall slim, but then I fear I'm just get the default decvuan
> window manager.
> Then I do $ startx fluxbox I get what suppose is the devuan default
> winwow manager (a grey desktop with devuan spiral lower right). It
> blocks starting fluxbox.
> I have no ~/.bash_profile or ~/.xinitrc
> --
> Haines Brown

I’m running openbox without any display manager installed and I just run `exec startx` from the console session to start it up.

Nothing specifically set in my home directory config so I’m assuming the package install set some config inside /etc that will detect automatically if it’s the only window manager installed and run that.

If you have another window manager installed that is causing conflicts you could try removing it.

aptitude search "~i ~P(x-window-manager)"

That command will list all installed packages that provide the x-window-manager virtual package.
