Autor: dvalin Fecha: 2024-10-23 04:27 -000 A: dng Asunto: Re: [DNG] discussions in Debian to retire ifupdown and about a
default network management tool
On 22.10.24 19:33, Adrian Zaugg wrote:
> My personal opinion is clear against a software that has as many dependencies > as network-manager.
Network-munger is the very first thing I nuke if present - it usually has
to be done immediately on install, just to get networking working in the
first place.
> If ifupdown will be abandoned, the logical successor would > be ifupdown-ng, I think. Having seen its syntax for /etc/network/interfaces it > seems as easy as ifupdown2 (and I ask myself why I have never tried it > before).
If ifupdown disappears upstream, then simply restoring it in Devuan
would be very attractive. If ifupdown-ng becomes the most similar
existing substitute, then we might have to read the release notes.
> The suggestion to use systemd-networkd must not be discussed here for well > known reasons, and about conman I don't know whether it supports such > constructs as a VLAN-tagged bridge over bonded interfaces and such. However, > maybe Devuan should chime in the discussion before Debian takes another turn > in the wrong direction.
Plugging a dropped *nix tool back in does not seem a life-threatening
exercise, but when the black hole Systemdix-ing of Debian becomes too
intense, then it's time to move on, I figure. (Preferably a new upstream
for Devuan, but in extremis, a quick saddle-hop to BSD or similar. That
seems beyond the reach of the sabotaging poetterware agents.)