:: Re: [Bricolabs] We are all a lot wi…
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Szerző: Felipe Schmidt Fonseca
Dátum: 2024-09-11 19:57 -000
Címzett: brico
Tárgy: Re: [Bricolabs] We are all a lot wiser and not in a bad shape it seems.I
Lots of feelings from reading these messages, and just a single side
speculative note here: what if every piece of public transport was a
faraday cage blocking access to 4G/5G networks? Would that be a socially
regenerative strategy or just make people seek individual transport?


On 11/09/2024 10:50, Rob van Kranenburg wrote:
> Hi Sharat,
> Yes, we are in the full fire of it all, states dying and fighting back 
> with fines, and way to much cash with GAFAM - worth seven trillion now 
> - so they can buy anything they want coupled with Ayn Rand characters 
> like Musk. Quite a novel if you come to think of it, but real instead.
> Singularity, yes I think and thought when I heard of it first what a 
> sham and trap that was/is. Decoupling life from any technological 
> advances and curing this and that within a decade.
> The fire is all consuming and sucking air out of critique (any form of 
> potential critique is now voiced as ‘ethics), and we must be clear 
> also that this IoT/AI connectivity will not be killed or stalled.
> This morning I took a bus and 9 out of ten people were either looking 
> on their phone or holding it in their hands. The other 10% was sleeping.
> I don;t think we should say things like: get off your phone. Instead 
> we could have our own phone. We looked into this in 2007
> NLnet; Bricophone <https://nlnet.nl/project/bricophone/>
> nlnet.nl <https://nlnet.nl/project/bricophone/>
>     favicon.ico <https://nlnet.nl/project/bricophone/>

> <https://nlnet.nl/project/bricophone/>
> On that phone we could install our ideas of what connectivity
> could/should look like ( it could explode if you look at it for too
> long :),
> I set up a Zoom for September 22 16:00 CET.
> I think Venzha can join then and people from the States, if not, let
> me know and I adjust,
> Greetings, Rob
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86973311869?pwd=kaMTR9qLnbtaNHb3zfyokvtYkQt1WH.1
> ---------------------------------------
> Newsletter. Subscribe on LinkedIn
> https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7206587561924771840
> Inspiring talks on #IoT and #AI
> https://www.athenas.nl/sprekers/rob-van-kranenburg/
>> On 10 Sep 2024, at 23:31, Sharath Chandra Ram <looplogic@???>
>> wrote:
>> Great to hear from you Rob, and for echoing Venzah's thoughts who I
>> have been in touch with (albeit not having visited in a while).
>> Having divorced myself from disciplinary pursuits about 15 years ago,
>> I continue to straddle between the art of audition and the politics
>> of transmission.
>> However despite all the push towards transdisciplinary meaning
>> making, it is disappointing to note that technological determinism
>> has become even more stronger this decade.
>> Not only that, but a lot of my extremely talented friends in the arts
>> seem to be giving in to the Singularity movement.
>> Meanwhile, looking forward to connecting with everyone on Zoom !
>> Regards
>> Sharath
>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 1:46 PM Rob van Kranenburg
>> <kranenbu@???> wrote:
>>     Hi James,

>>     "Entertainment, in the form of the arts, builds meaning. And
>>     whoever builds meaning builds the future.

>>>     It is crucial to understand just how significant imagination is
>>>     as a precursor to change."

>>     Crucial yes.

>>     I think it is a good idea if we set up a Zoom for in the coming
>>     weeks where everyone can join if they want,

>>     Greetings, Rob

>>     ---------------------------------------
>>     Newsletter. Subscribe on LinkedIn
>>     https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7206587561924771840
>>     Inspiring talks on #IoT and #AI
>>     https://www.athenas.nl/sprekers/rob-van-kranenburg/

>>>     On 10 Sep 2024, at 13:02, James Wallbank <james@???> wrote:

>>>     This is definitely of interest, Rob!

>>>     I'd like to suggest that we may be approaching a point of unique
>>>     opportunity. Forgive me if this observation veers towards the
>>>     abstract.

>>>     It seems to me that political and economic power has become
>>>     incredibly backward-looking. Despite their investment in
>>>     futuristic technology, currently tech billionaires (and fossil
>>>     fuel billionaires) seem, increasingly, to manufacture support
>>>     for their activities by appealing to nostalgia, revanchism,
>>>     reactionary ideas, divisiveness and disconnection. Artificial
>>>     Intelligence will only accelerate this tendency,

>>>     This tactic may be as depressing as it is effective, but it
>>>     leaves the field open for a new type of participatory futurism,
>>>     in which citizens imagine, experiment with, and participate in
>>>     practices that reflect imaginative futuristic visions, We need
>>>     to do it, because they won't. We will regain the cultural
>>>     initiative, because their power rests upon reactionary,
>>>     backward-looking structures and ideas, that Rob describes as
>>>     "Operating like Feudal Lords".

>>>     As well as active "refusenik" practices (we periodically see
>>>     waves of people abandoning social media, for example) we also
>>>     need to encourage, support and platform new citizen-led visions
>>>     of the future. I suspect, at the core of this, is the activity
>>>     of making your own value―not simply providing yourself with
>>>     necessary goods and services (cooking your own food, generating
>>>     your own power, building your own computer) but also building
>>>     entertainment yourself, rather than receiving it from corporate
>>>     writers rooms via corporate pipes. Entertainment, in the form of
>>>     the arts, builds meaning. And whoever builds meaning builds the
>>>     future.

>>>     It is crucial to understand just how significant imagination is
>>>     as a precursor to change.

>>>     James

>>>     On Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 8:32 PM Rob van Kranenburg
>>>     <kranenbu@???> wrote:

>>>         Hi all,

>>>         We are all a lot wiser and not in a bad shape it seems.I too
>>>         agree about picking your fights. For me it was the
>>>         realisation that there were too many drivers cheering for
>>>         the Internet of Things, so no point in fighting it but
>>>         becoming part of it. So in 25 years I have become an
>>>         industry expert:
>>>         https://onem2m.org/membership/executive-viewpoints/927-rob-van-kranenburg-au24

>>>         I have recently written a text that spans that 25 years and
>>>         that offer some solutions, I hope.

>>>         I think it is time to revive resources on the bricolist and
>>>         see what we have.

>>>         We have expertise in EU funding programs and know how to do
>>>         proposals. We all have extensive networks and can help
>>>         people to introductions.

>>>         I had a great talk today with Venzha and we both agreed it
>>>         was a good idea to see who is doing what and how people are
>>>         seeing the present and future,

>>>         Greetings, Rob

>>>         ---------------------------------------
>>>         Newsletter. Subscribe on LinkedIn
>>>         https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7206587561924771840
>>>         Inspiring talks on #IoT and #AI
>>>         https://www.athenas.nl/sprekers/rob-van-kranenburg/

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>> --
>> Sharath Chandra Ramakrishnan
>> */(M.S., Ph.D.)/*
>> */Assistant Professor/*
>> University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
>> scram@???
>> <http://illinois.edu/>
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