:: Re: [DNG] onefang needs a new serve…
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Auteur: onefang
À: dng
Nouveaux-sujets: Re: [DNG] onefang found a new server rental company., Re: [DNG] onefang found a new server rental company.
Sujet: Re: [DNG] onefang needs a new server rental company.
Progress update.

A Devuan ISO / file and package mirror is running on it now, and

ISO / files    https://am.smelly.cc/devuan-cd/
packages       https://am.smelly.cc/devuan/
apt-panopticon https://am.smelly.cc/apt-panopticon/results/Report-web.html

Note that I'm still setting things up and testing things, which likely
means a reboot at random times, but not often.

All the original sledjhmar.org stuff is still running on the old server,
and I still haven't tackled the virtual world stuff yet.

So still plenty more work to do, and lots of testing.

Feel free to test it out if you want.

A note about apt-panopticon speeds. The one running on am.smelly.cc is
testing itself without a network, so the speed listed there for itself is
SSD speed, as filtered through Apache 2. Same thing applies to the
https://sledjhamr.org/apt-panopticon/results/Report-web.html copy. it's
measuring it's own SSD speed for itself. All other tests are measuring
actual Internet speeds.

http://veritas.devuan.org/apt-panopticon/results/Report-web.html is the
third one, for those that want to compare.

So far the speeds are looking good. B-)

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.