:: [DNG] onefang needs a new server re…
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Lähettäjä: onefang
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: [DNG] onefang needs a new server rental company.
G'day Devuaners.

For those that don't know, I'm the Devuan package mirror herder, and I
run the sledjhamr.org Devuan ISO and package mirror. Sledjhamr.org needs
a new home, I can't afford the current home.

Apart from Devuan mirrors I run virtual worlds on it. Or used to, now
it's down to just one virtual world, coz the others I was running for a
friend that was helping to pay for that server stopped paying. I suppose
I could drop the mirror, but that's the least of the things that need
server resources. OpenSim for virtual worlds is a resource hog.

In this country there's a rental and cost of living crisis. I'm on a
pension, and those two crisis have hit me hard since the beginning of
last year. Right now I'm in a race; I'll switch to the age pension when
I turn 67 in three and a half years (more income); I'll get social
housing that I'm on the two to ten year wait list for (been approved at
least, much less rent); or I run out of savings and have to move to a
tent in a park (could happen later this year at the rate expensive crap
keeps happening, 'fridge is currently failing). Pissed me off that the
government kept extending the age pension age, otherwise I'd be on it

So I'm trying very hard to reduce my costs.

YISP is the server company that I have been with for a long time. They
have been great. They where recently bought by NovoServe, not so great.
They have been giving me the run around for fucking months, while I try
to get my server downgraded to something cheaper. Which just ended up
costing me more of my rapidly dwindling savings, since I'm still paying
for the more expensive server.

So right now I'm paying 131 Euros for my server.

I need 32 GB of RAM, 700 GB to 1 TB of storage. Can't afford RAID.
Currently it's an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1230 v6 @ 3.50GHz, something
similar but preferably AMD I'd like to switch to, could work with
something less, but not much less. Currently with 3 IPv4s and a IPv6/??.
Bandwidth is nice and large, with great connectivity in central Europe.

I gave NovoServe an ultimatum, if they don't get their shit together and
actually answer the question I keep asking them by early next week, then
I'm finding another company. Anyone know of a great cheap one?

With my cost of living and rental crisis I have a very low tolerance for
corporate bullshit. The local electricity company keeps guessing which
of the metres is actually the one for my home, so far they are up to me
paying for three of them, one of which they acknowledge is actually a
community one the house owner should be paying for, which is not me. I
keep telling them to stop guessing and send someone out to actually
check. They got an ultimatum to.

Which brings me to my email signature, which refers to the fact that this
very talented computer programmer always had trouble finding work, coz
apparently coders need to wear uncomfortable clothes and cut bits off
themselves to be "professional". NO! Being professional is doing a good
job, which means programming well, not looking good. Wearing
uncomfortable clothes means you work LESS well. So with not that much
work during my career, not much savings. Even worse, can't get work now
coz of agism, haven't been able to since my late forties. Many decades
of experience doesn't count, as apparently I'm too old to know how to
work a computer. Pfffft

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.