Autor: Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult Datum: To: sawbona, [DNG] Betreff: Re: [DNG] Polyfills for Systemd
On 13.06.24 16:25, altoid via Dng wrote:
>>> ... a *hardware* man ...
>> ... you'd like to help us out on HW testing ...
> Thank you for that. 8^)
you're welcomed :)
> But my access to hardware is limited to what I have been using for
> the last nine years or so, most (if not all) of it considered
> ancient/obsolete by the usual crowd.
Who cares about "the usual crowd" ? :p
> eg:
> Sun Microsystems Ultra 24 workstation (Q9550+8Gb RAM), w/matching
> Nvidia Quadro FX580/G96CGL cards for three discontinued 19" monitors.
Quite what I'm looking for (already found people with SPARC
> My coffee roasting SW runs on an Asus 1000HE/Atom N280/ 2GB netbook
> which also goes with me when I am out of town.
I wouldn't like to use those machines for anything serious (just
recently upgraded from my Portege-z930 to an X1 carbon, because the
portege now beginning to break down), but it's good have people
caring about veteran hardware :)
> Everything was purchased 2nd. hand and then upgraded to its maximum
> possibilities.
Same here. I really don't see why I should spend lots of bucks just
to have something new and hip thats outdated again in less than a year.
> I seriously doubt I could be of any use to your testing efforts.
I seriously doubt your doubts :P
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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info@??? -- +49-151-27565287