:: Re: [DNG] elogind vs consolekit2
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Autor: Mark Hindley
Data: 2024-02-19 19:16 -000
A: Antonio Rendina
CC: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] elogind vs consolekit2
On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 05:35:40PM +0100, Antonio Rendina via Dng wrote:
> Hi,
> I was reviewing my desktop knowledge and I ended up noticing that consolekit
> does the same things as elogind. So I was wondering, why all the fuss about
> using elogind?

Not quite. I think consolekit doesn't manage seats. But from the session
perspective they offer similar functionality.

> Couldn't we switch to consolekit? I see that consolekit package is present
> on our repo. But I also see that all non-systemd distros use elogind. Why
> did you choose to use elogind as default on Devuan?

It hasn't always been. Jessie and Ascii used consolekit as the default. Beowulf
changed to elogind as the default because consolekit2 upstream appeared dead and
there was no guarantee that security issues c/would be addressed.

It is now active again and it may be that the default will change again.

But either works. For example, I now use sway+consolekit+seatd as my daily

The choice is yours.
