:: [dyne:bolic] Alpha release of dyne:…
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Skribent: Set (setto)" Hallströ
Til: dynebolic
Emne: [dyne:bolic] Alpha release of dyne:bolic IV
Greetings, fellow traveler!

🎉 After a period of inactivity, the dyne:bolic team is proud the
announce the Alpha release of version IV (4) of the 100% free Linux
distribution for multimedia production, based on Devuan.

⚠️ This Alpha release is for testing purposes (not intended for


SHA512 sum:


🐞 While this Alpha will boot and present you with a limited assortment
of software, you will encounter bugs within. This image is a
representation of the ambition and direction dyne:bolic is taking. And
an invitation addressed at the community to get involved in testing and

🙋 How can I help?
There are many ways in which you can help dyne:bolic move out of Alpha.
Begin your journey🧳

You will find the source code in the dyneIV folder of the Git
- https://git.devuan.org/jaromil/dynebolic

Join our bridged chat channel from your favorite client:

Matrix: https://socials.dyne.org/matrix-dynebolic
Discord-dynebolic: https://socials.dyne.org/discord-dynebolic)
Telegram-dynebolic: https://socials.dyne.org/telegram-dynebolic

Contributions 🔩
Many parts of dyne:bolic still need to be configured. Notably the audio
pipeline and the desktop menu. If you are a developer eager to help
your community obtain sovereign creative agency, dyne:bolic development
is for you. If you are curious user, come help test things.

Mirrors 🪞
To ease the burden on dyne.org's bandwidth, we're looking for mirrors
for our ISOs and the accompanying artifacts (signatures, README.txt
etc…) Are you operating a mirror? Please reach out to setto@???

For more information about dyne:bolic and its heritage, see the
website: https://dynebolic.org

For more information about Devuan: https://www.devuan.org

Ciao Belli! :^)

Set Hallström
AKA Setto Sakrecoer

Resident Tone-Architect at Dyne.org
🐧 https://dyne.org

🔒 FB69 71E5 717F 6537 7B60 DEC1 9240 1D3F 102A 0208
🔒 A4C0 3A06 B482 0433 63E9 8CD5 294B 84A9 3F68 63E8 (Mobile)