:: [devuan-dev] Metting notes 2023-12-…
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Szerző: Set Hallstrom
Címzett: devuan developers internal list
Tárgy: [devuan-dev] Metting notes 2023-12-28
Devuan meet 2023-12-28 @20:30 UTC

Present: Nietz, bb|hcb, rrq, plasma41, bgstack15, golinux, DelTomix,

Regrets: setto

-- Old Business --

-- Old Actions --

-- New Business --


- A user on telegram reports that they were unable to contact the email
listed on the devuan wiki (wikiadmin@???) The verification code
sent out by the wiki upon registration is invalid. And thus the user
tried to answer the email (not a noreply address). Is the wiki open for
registrations at all?
  - (gl) There was discussion about this on IRC channel(s). I think
it's fixed. As to the wiki . . . it should be decomissioned IMO. Has
gone nowhere in several years and just an annoyance to have sitting
     - (setto) i was not able to register. The verification code was in
the email was invalid. 
       - (gl) Still?
         - (setto) yes. if the wiki is unused, then we should perhaps
close the possibility to register?
           - () Agreed. If folks (not random ones) would come to the
meets and provide feedback, it would be helpful.
             - (setto) I will tell this to the good ones! :) Also, it's
great to see you typing! <3 Sorry i can't make it at 20:30 CET </3 Big
               - (gl) see you in the New Year!
                 - (setto) happy GNU beer!

- BB fixed the email forward yesterday, so we are getting registration
requests. I have been doing the approvals but agree its not in a useful
- Mainly the links to it from the website should be revised/removed
until it is functional. (future of it is uncertain and its not a


- `bonito` hardware changed after two spurious reboots, let's hope the
new one is stable
- VM/subhost(s) on bonito are still using IPs from `tonno`, will
renumber next year
- Finished the policy routing setup on the hosts instead on the VMs



- Is the universe trying to tell us something?  This just turned up on
  - https://wiki.devuan.org/Main/DevuanCluster
  - Just FYI.
    - (gl) It is telling us that 'contributers' want to do their own
thing instead of what Devuan needs to survive. I sure wish that more
folks were 'team' players.

www.devuan.org old business
- Had intended to take care of an update to the Daedalus documentation,
but found myself sick yesterday for the first time since the pandemic.
Doesn't seem to be a second round of COVID at least, as far as I can
tell. All in good time.

- Thoughts regarding starting an effort to facilitate a maintainable
way and means for upstream developers to produce Devuan-Native
releases, and how it might work as part of the current merge system.
Strategy to ensure long term survival as Debian continues its slow-
motion suicide. We should start considering practical possibilities
while we have time.
  - (Xenguy) Where is the best (IRC) location to discuss?
    - (DelTomix) Xenguy: my guess would be Dev? if its not too much
noise for there, Its such an important thing maybe it deserves its own
channel to develop the idea. plasma41 suggested mailing lists - which
is also a good idea.

-- New Actions --


Set Hallström
AKA Setto Sakrecoer