著者: sawbona 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] There seems to be some strong disagreement in Debian
regarding usrmerge
On 28 Dec 2023 at 7:17, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> ... harm was and is the whole idea; "kill off Debian with Systemd ...
Not a "guess".
Just a reasonable evaluation of the present status quo.
I've said it many times before: there is a lot of moolah behind
making systemd the "de-facto" init for the Linux ecosystem.
systemd is nothing but an MS registry for Linux and the main purpose
is to turn Linux into a MS type OS.
Just why do you think that MS came to "love" Linux?
And you *do* know who the author of that abortion of nature that is
systemd works today?
As posted by a commentard at ElReg with respect to systemd:
"... nothing but a developer sanctioned virus running inside the OS,
constantly changing and going deeper and deeper into the host with
every iteration and as a result, progressively putting an end to the
possibility of knowing/controlling what is going on inside your box
as it becomes more and more obscure."
" ... a putsch to eventually generate and then force a convergence of
Windows with or into Linux, which is obviously not good for Linux and
if unchecked, will be Linux's undoing."
To that purpose, what better choice than Debian?
There's nothing new here: it is the old MS embrace, extend, and
extinguish that has been going on for decades, only that now there's
active participation from IBM/RH.
Devuan (and derivatives) is still holding on but who knows for how
long this will be so.