:: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2023-12-…
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Autor: Set (setto)" Hallströ
Datum: 2023-12-27 21:43 -000
To: devuan developers internal list
Betreff: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2023-12-21
# Devuan meet 2023-12-21 @20:30 UTC

Present: DelTomix, fsmithred, Hendrik, golinux

-- Old Business --

-- Old Actions --

-- New Business --


- fsmithred reported in #devuan-www that nick moveMyOldMacBook in
#devuan flagged an issue with the current Daedalus install
- In section 'Verify the images', this user offered a correction for
the `SHA256SUMS.asc` filename:  it should be `SHA256SUMS.txt.asc`
- As I looked closer, I realized that there also seem to be ambiguities
in the instructions offered in the preceding section, i.e. 'Check the
integrity of images'.  Here the actual filename should be specified,
instead of the generic placeholder `SHA256SUMS`.
- I will undertake to do a test download and verification of a sample
ISO image and its integrity, and then correct the documentation
accordingly.  As the holidays are fast approaching, this will be done
as time permits.  Merry Solstice everyone!
  - (DelTomix) Agree - `SHA256SUMS.txt.asc` is the correct name. Let me
know if you encounter anything that needs to be addressed on the ISO
    - (Xenguy) Thanks, will do.
  - (fsmithred) In Chimaera only the live isos had .txt in the SHASUMS
filename. In Daedalus it's in both live and installer isos. So maybe
the wording needs to reflect that.
    - (Xenguy) Good to know, will bear that in mind, thanks.


- Testing fix to ensure full merges are not blocked by a concurrent
incremental merge.


- Update to stable version 2.426.2
- Update plugins


- ceres
- Remove fork of live-build, unused according to fsmithred


- Discovered that there was a #devuan channel on OFTC. OFTC cooperated
to give access rights to Devuan admins. Channel has basically been
mothballed and header info now sends users to our official support
channels. I have suggested this rewrite:
- This unofficial Devuan channel has been disabled. Please visit us
at our official #devuan IRC support channel(s) on Libera. Other Devuan
support options are listed at https://www.devuan.org/os/community .
- Done. See: https://netsplit.de/channels/?chat=devuan

-- New Actions --


- Happy to report that Minefield is almost ready and will be
implemented over the coming week. Replaces badadd/BAD with fully
automated system, easy to maintain & understand. Will be pushing
initial repository and posting documentation over the coming days.

I prioritised it due to discovering several issues with loading due to
spam requests and crawling, and the need to treat hosts differently
based on analysis of their traffic.

- I have some questions for infra team regarding iptables vs nftables


Set Hallström
AKA Setto Sakrecoer