:: Re: [DNG] What do you guys like abo…
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Autor: Didier Kryn
Fecha: 2023-12-26 16:28 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] What do you guys like about Desktop Environments?
Le 26/12/2023 à 01:52, onefang a écrit :
> On 2023-12-25 18:48:13, Didier Kryn wrote:
>>         For what regards Dmenu, in all DEs there is an application menu for
>>     all applications which are "integrated" in the Freedesktop sense, which
>>     just means they come with a .desktop file stored in
>>     /usr/share/applications/ . Do you, Steve, find it feasible to
>>     automatically read all the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/ and
>>     build a Dmenu tree for all of them? Each .desktop file includes a
>>     "category" which drives the structure of the menu as a two-level tree.
> I did that once for the Enlightenment DE, wrote code for it to convert
> those FreeDesktop.Org (FDO) .desktop files into it's menu.  There's a
> reason I replace the F in FDO with a strong swear word, and the O with
> "Obscenities".
> There's more tahn just /usr/share/applications/*.desktop

    I did write an application for the Linux desktop and AFAIR it was
enough to provide the .desktop file in the proper directory to have it
show up in my DE's application menu.

--     Didier