:: Re: [DNG] Cannot boot my server.
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Auteur: Hendrik Boom
Date: 2023-12-18 23:59 -000
À: Steve Litt
CC: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] Cannot boot my server.
The old, reliable laptop is being made into a new stopgap server.
I've got it responding to ssh properly -- as long a I refer to it by an IP
number and not a domain name.
Now to get DNS up. This is a DNS that defines the topoi.pooq.com domain.
Now something I improvise by putin in the resolvconf file.
I've copied the timydns configuration files from backup. I've installed
tinydns package.
But as far as I can tell the DNS server seems not to be running.

It seems to want to be supervised by runit, which I've heard a lot about on
this mailing list.
I've installed the 'daemon' and 'runit' packages that tie
.../init.c/tinydns claims to need.
(why wasn;t that a dependency of the tinydns package?).
But I do not know how to get it to run, or how to even te;; whether it's
running and my problems are elsewhere.

I don't know enough about runit to know where to look.

Steve, I think you're the foremost runit proselytizer on this list. Care to
tell me what to do or look for or read next?

-- hendrik

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 1:33 AM Steve Litt <slitt@???>

> Hendrik Boom via Dng said on Sun, 17 Dec 2023 23:34:17 -0500
> >Things just got worse. I got refracta set up, but now the box refuses
> >to do a power-on self-test. With or without refracta. I'm starting to
> >suspect hardware problems. It's likely time to replace the box and
> >transfer the data and configuration, it necessary, from backup.
> >I wonder what to get short-term (I'd like my regular email to start up
> >again) and/or long-term. Maybe something completely different.
> >
> >-- hendrik
> Hi Hendrik,
> If you suspect hardware (and I would too), the best-practices way to
> troubleshoot it is to disconnect everything from the mob except RAM,
> CPU, front panel switches and video card. Boot it by shorting, with a
> small screwdriver, the pins that the power switch was connected with.
> One of two things will happen: Either it will boot far enough to count
> RAM, or it won't.
> If it counts RAM, one by one add connections until you find one that
> toggles the symptom, then replace that component.
> If it doesn't count RAM, swap a known good video card for the current
> one, and see if that helps. Also, if you have a known good ram stick of
> the proper type, swap that in and try again. If the video card and RAM
> don't work, research whether there's a jumper to reset the motherboard
> to factory settings, and short that jumper. Probably also disconnect
> the motherboard battery for 5 minutes, and if the motherboard battery
> is more than 2 years old, spend four dollars to replace it. Swapping in
> a known good power supply is another good idea.
> By the way, if your motherboard has pins for a motherboard based
> speaker or squeaker, buy a speaker or squeaker so you can count
> squeaks. Also, pay close attention to what the LEDs are doing, because
> these often tell you how far the boot is getting. This helps if you can
> get a manual for the motherboard.
> If none of this restores bootability, it's probably time to buy a new
> motherboard, CPU and RAM. If you get the same problem, replace
> everything else including the case, so that no components of the old
> computer exist in the new one.
> HTH,
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Autumn 2023 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
> http://www.troubleshooters.com/rl21
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