Devuan meet 2023-11-30 @20:30 UTC
Present: golinux, fsmithred, plasma41, clegrand, hendrik
Regrets: setto, bb|hcb
-- Old Business --
-- Old Actions --
-- New Business --
- Tweaked instances of 'Debian is Not GNOME/DNG' on the web site.
- Updated size information for ISO images on 2 web pages.
Merged /usr crunchtime
I don't think this can be avoided any longer (see
[#810]( But I would rather people choose
to install usrmerge and see that it fixes their issue(s) rather than it
being forced on them by a dependency.
- (plasma41) Is there a concise(-ish) summary of the current state of
the usrmerge issue with regard to Devuan somewhere? Maybe a wiki
article perhaps?
- (gl) Better to put it in git documentation. The wiki is non-
existent . . .
- ceres
+ pcsc-lite
+ distro-info-data
+ rsyslog (twice, nocheck)
+ udisks2
+ network-manager
+ init-system-helpers
+ firewalld
+ reportbug (Closes: [#807](
Infra changes
- IPv4 is now moved to the new hosts
- Policy routing setup is ready
- Renumbering IPv6 (pending)
- Wiping `aragosta` & `granchio` (pending)
-- New Actions --
-(gl) LeePen . . . clegrand would like to talk with you about taking on
some packaging. You will see some notes on #devuan-dev about that. Hope
that works out . . .
Set Hallström
AKA Setto Sakrecoer