:: Re: [DNG] Sysvinit script doesn't t…
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Συντάκτης: Adrian Zaugg
Ημερομηνία: 2023-12-01 10:52 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] Sysvinit script doesn't trigger on boot
In addition what you did, use insserv to create the necessary .depend.boot,
.depend.start, and .depend.stop files:

    insserv -v

Regards, Adrian

In der Nachricht vom Friday, 1 December 2023 11:24:49 CET schrieb Joel Roth
via Dng:
> Hi,
> I made a script to load rules for an nft firewall.
> It's executable, runs from the command line
> with start/stop/status options.
> But it doesn't start during system boot.
> I created symlinks with update-rc.d
> and links appear in the rc*.d directories
> where * is 2,3,4,5.
> For example:
> $ ls /etc/rc2.d | grep firewall
> S02firewall
> Also, I couldn't find evidence in any log files.
> There was no /var/log/firewall, nothing in /var/boot.
> TIA for any suggestions.
> Here is the script:
> $ cat /etc/init.d/firewall
> #! /bin/sh
> # Provides:          firewall
> # Required-Start:
> # Required-Stop:
> # Should-Start:
> # Should-Stop:
> # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
> # Default-Stop:
> # Short-Description: Initialize firewall
> # Description:       Start nft firewall settings for desktop
> #                    Applies to first wifi device

> PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
> export PATH
> . /lib/lsb/init-functions
> do_start () {
>     #WLAN=`cat /proc/net/wireless | perl -ne '/(\w+):/ && print $1'`
>     # above isn't available until wifi device is associated
>     WLAN=`iwconfig | perl -ne '/(wlan\d)/ and print $1'`
>     export WLAN
>     log_action_msg "Starting firewall on wifi device $WLAN"
>     perl -pe 's/WLAN/$ENV{WLAN}/' /etc/nft-firewall > /etc/nft-firewall-

>     nft -f /etc/nft-firewall-wifi
> }

> case "$1" in
>   start)
>     do_start
>     ;;
>   stop)
>     log_action_msg "Stopping firewall"
>     nft flush ruleset
>     ;;
>   status)
>     log_action_msg "Showing firewall ruleset"
>     log_action_msg "# start ruleset"
>     nft list ruleset
>     log_action_msg "# end ruleset"
>     ;;
>   *)
>     echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|status" >&2
>     exit 3
>     ;;
> esac