Autor: Hendrik Boom Data: 2023-10-17 12:45 -000 Dla: dng Temat: Re: [DNG] powerdns upstream has dropped sysvinit support
On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 11:08:13PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote: > Boian Bonev said on Mon, 16 Oct 2023 02:01:57 +0300
> ...
... >
> You and I envision two different things. My vision is that people on
> the Devuan project run the conversion and then package the s6 and runit
> run scripts, as well as sysvinit init scripts, OpenRC init scripts, and
> Epoch config files.
Probably overkill and too much work, but maybe amprolla could even be set up to substitute our s6 and/or runit scripts
in packages that have systemd units.
> Additionally, I envision the key-value file to have script snippets in
> it for instances in which key-value to script is too difficult.
> >IMnsHO one really clean way to
> >implement the above is by FUSE filesystem that does the conversion on
> >the fly and presents a folder with the expected hierarchy for the
> >particular *init. Writing that is not too complex, I also believe that
> >there are people around who have some experience in this (hello
> >Ralph)...
> Knowing little about FUSE, I personally can't do the preceding, but if
> that's the better way to do it, I'll certainly step aside.
Sounds like the kind of complexity systemd would approve of. The files you see on the filesystem are not the ones being used.
> >
> >Imagine "mount -t sd2sysv /lib/systemd /etc/init.d" ;)
> >
> >PS. I do not believe that sd unit files will drastically change to the
> >extent that makes them too hard to follow. It will (as someone already
> >said) going to mostly add stuff. Imagine the vast amount of unit files
> >already written getting obsoleted - this would be a pure example of
> >shooting oneself in the foot.
> I can see the redhat/opendesktop/poettering/microsoft cabal eagerly
> shooting themselves in the foot if they think it will shoot a
> competitor without resources to heal his foot. But both my preceding
> sentence and your estimate of the likelihood of shooting themselves in
> the foot are guesses.
Maybe the self-shot foot will be classified as "Won't fix." :)
> My personal preference would be to have a
> conversion program from unit file to titofile, even if for the time
> being that conversion file is simply a copy operation. This way we're
> covered if my guess is right, and we incur little work if you're right.
And putting converted files into a release, whether tito or s6 or ... should involve review by a release or package developer.