:: Re: [DNG] Harbour programming langu…
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Autor: Marc Shapiro
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Harbour programming language
Sorry, Olaf, this was supposed to go to the list.

On 10/15/23 14:33, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> On 10/14/23 21:20, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
>> Hi Marc,
>> Marc Shapiro via Dng<dng@???> writes:
>>> It has been many years since I have done any 'C' programming, and 'make' was never my friend. I have pasted, below, the output of 'sudo make' run in the
>>> harbour-3.0.0 directory.
>>> What am I doing wrong, or what dev file packages do I need to install?
>>> I don't know why it says that gpm is not found, because it is installed.
>> Your `sudo make` is very likely looking for the header files for gpm.
>> These should be in libgpm-dev. Similarly, you'll need libslang2-dev.
>> For the missing sys/sysctl.h, that's in dietlibc-dev according to
>>    apt-file search sys/systctl.h
> Close, but no cigar.

> I installed the three packages, as suggested.  It is now finding the
> headers for libgpm and libslang2, but it still is not finding
> sys/sysctl.h.
> marc@quixote:/usr/local/harbour/harbour-3.0.0$ sudo make install
> ! Building Harbour 3.0.0 from source - http://harbour-project.org
> ! MAKE: make 4.3 /bin/sh install
> ! HB_HOST_PLAT: linux (x86_64)  HB_SHELL: sh
> ! LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/harbour/harbour-3.0.0/lib/linux/gcc:
> ! HB_PLATFORM: linux (x86_64) (autodetected)
> ! HB_COMPILER: gcc (autodetected: /usr/bin/)
> ! HB_HOST_PKGM: deb
> ! Component: 'zlib' found in /usr/include
> ! Component: 'pcre' found in
> /usr/local/harbour/harbour-3.0.0/src/3rd/pcre (local)
> ! Component: 'gpm' found in /usr/include
> ! Component: 'slang' found in /usr/include
> ! Component: 'curses' found in /usr/include
> ! Component: 'x11' found in /usr/include
> ! Component: 'wattcp/watt-32' not supported on linux platform
> ! HB_INSTALL_PREFIX automatically set to: /usr/local
> ! Installing c_std.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing class_tp.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing clipper.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing cmdline.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing cmpopt.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing codebloc.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing codestyl.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing destruct.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing dirstruc.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing gmake.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing gtapi.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing hdr_tpl.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing howtorel.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing howtosvn.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing inet.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing pcode.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing pp.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing pragma.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing readme.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing statics.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing tracing.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing transfrm.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing vm.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing windll.txt on /usr/local/share/doc/harbour
> ! Installing error.api on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing extend.api on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing filesys.api on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing fm.api on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing gt.api on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbundoc.api on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing item.api on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing rdd.api on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing vm.api on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing clipdefs.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing extend.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapi.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapicdp.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapicls.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapicom.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapidbg.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapierr.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapifs.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapigt.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapiitm.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapilng.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapirdd.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbapistr.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbassert.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbatomic.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbbfish.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbfloat.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbcdpreg.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbchksum.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbcomp.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbcompdf.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbdate.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbdbf.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbdbferr.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbdbsort.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbdefs.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hberrors.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbexprop.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbgtcore.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbgtreg.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbhash.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbiniseg.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbinit.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbjson.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbmacro.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbmath.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbmather.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbmsgreg.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbpcode.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbpp.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbrddcdx.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbrdddbf.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbrddfpt.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbrdddel.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbrddntx.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbrddsdf.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbrddnsx.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbregex.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbset.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbsetup.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbsocket.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbstack.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbsxfunc.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbtask.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbthread.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbtrace.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbtypes.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbver.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbvm.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbvmint.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbvmopt.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbvmpub.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbxvm.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbwince.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbwinuni.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbznet.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hb_io.h on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing harbour.hbx on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbcpage.hbx on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hblang.hbx on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbscalar.hbx on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbusrrdd.hbx on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing achoice.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing assert.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing blob.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing box.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing button.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing color.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing common.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing dbedit.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing dbinfo.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing dbstruct.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing directry.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing error.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing fileio.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing getexit.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hb.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbclass.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbcom.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbdebug.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbdyn.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbextcdp.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbextern.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbextlng.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbgfx.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbgfxdef.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbgtinfo.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbhrb.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbinkey.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hblang.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hblpp.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbmacro.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbmath.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbmemory.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbmemvar.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hboo.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbpers.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbsetup.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbsix.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbsocket.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbstdgen.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbstrict.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbsxdef.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbthread.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbtrace.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbusrrdd.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbver.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing hbzlib.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing inkey.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing memoedit.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing ord.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing rddsys.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing reserved.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing set.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing setcurs.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing simpleio.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing std.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! Installing tbrowse.ch on /usr/local/include/harbour
> ! 'hbpmcom' library skipped (platform or compiler not supported)
> ! 'png' library skipped (unused)
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libjpeg.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libjpeg.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbpcre.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbpcre.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> ! 'hbzlib' library skipped (unused)
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcommon.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcommon.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbnortl.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbnortl.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbpp.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbpp.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> ! Installing ../../bin/linux/gcc/hbpp on /usr/local/bin
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcplr.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcplr.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/harbour' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../bin/linux/gcc/harbour on /usr/local/bin
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbvm.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbvm.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbvmmt.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbvmmt.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbrtl.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbrtl.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtcgi.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtcgi.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtcrs.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtcrs.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> ! 'gtdos' library skipped (platform not supported)
> ! 'gtgui' library skipped (platform not supported)
> ! 'gtos2' library skipped (platform not supported)
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtpca.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtpca.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtsln.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtsln.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtstd.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtstd.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgttrm.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgttrm.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> ! 'gtwin' library skipped (platform not supported)
> ! 'gtwvt' library skipped (platform not supported)
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtxwc.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libgtxwc.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbmacro.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbmacro.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcpage.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbcpage.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhblang.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhblang.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbrdd.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbrdd.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbnulrdd.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbnulrdd.a on
> /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddntx.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddntx.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddnsx.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddnsx.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddcdx.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddcdx.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddfpt.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/librddfpt.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbsix.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbsix.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbhsx.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbhsx.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbusrrdd.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbusrrdd.a on
> /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[4]: '../../../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbuddall.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbuddall.a on
> /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbextern.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbextern.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbdebug.a' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbdebug.a on /usr/local/lib/harbour
> make[3]: '../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libharbour.so.3.0.0' is up to date.
> ! Installing ../../lib/linux/gcc/libharbour.so.3.0.0 on
> /usr/local/lib/harbour
> gcc -L../../../../../lib/linux/gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib64
> -L/usr/X11R6/lib   -o../../../../../bin/linux/gcc/hbmk2 hbmk2.o
> -lhbextern -lhbdebug -lhbvmmt -lhbrtl -lhblang -lhbcpage -lgtcgi
> -lgtpca -lgtstd -lgtcrs -lgtsln -lgtxwc -lgttrm -lhbnulrdd -lhbrtl
> -lhbvmmt -lhbmacro -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon -lhbpcre -lncurses
> -lslang -lX11 -lgpm -lz -lrt -ldl -lpthread -lm
> /usr/bin/ld: ../../../../../lib/linux/gcc/libhbrtl.a(arc4.o): in
> function `arc4_stir':
> arc4.c:(.text+0x470): undefined reference to `sysctl'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[3]: *** [../../../../../config/bin.mk:166: hbmk2] Error 1
> make[2]: *** [../../config/bin.mk:162: descend] Error 2
> make[1]: *** [../config/dir.mk:72: hbmk2.inst] Error 2
> make: *** [config/dir.mk:72: utils.inst] Error 2
> marc@quixote:/usr/local/harbour/harbour-3.0.0$ marc@quixote:/$ sudo
> find -name sysctl.h
> ./usr/include/diet/sys/sysctl.h
> ./usr/include/linux/sysctl.h
> Marc