:: Re: [DNG] powerdns upstream has dro…
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Skribent: sawbona
Dato: 2023-10-11 23:08 -000
Til: Steve Litt via Dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] powerdns upstream has dropped sysvinit support
On 11 Oct 2023 at 15:36, Steve Litt wrote:

> Excuse me.

Of course.

> What's wrong with the "Look Ma !!! I rolled my own [fill in]!!!"
> crowd?


I'm afraid you have missed the point I was attempting to make.
I'll assume full responsibility for that.

To wit:

The Linux ecosystem is home to literally tens of thousands of highly
qualified coders/programmers, a rich pool of talent which could be
harnessed towards the same goal and put Linux firmly on the desktop.

But no, everyone is busy with something else.
A new distribution or another spin-off, maybe (yet) another editor or
generating more bling+bloat for a desktop so it looks even more
"windowy", etc.

> Roll your own is a skill. It's a skill everyone should have.

I seriously doubt that is an idea that will take hold.
Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

But then, who knows?

In my (opinionated if you will) opinion, what is needed for Linux to
survive as a viable ecosystem is a Linux *team*, not thousands of
individuals just "doing their own thing".


"... group of people who are interdependent with respect to
information, resources, knowledge and skills and who seek to combine
their efforts to achieve a common goal".

Thompson, Leigh (2008). Making the team: a guide for managers.

What is at stake these days is the survival of Linux as we know it

The potential *is* there and if it is not harnessed and put to work,
Linux is doomed to disappear into the MS/RH/IBM wormhole.

BTW: sorry if I ruffled your [fill in].
