Skribent: dvalin Dato: Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] What wireless broadband software to use on Devuan?
On 24.09.23 19:25, wirelessduck--- via Dng wrote: > Let me know if you plan on using AussieBB and I can send you my referral code off-list for a discount.
With two Devuan users finding them good to deal with, and a
cheaper rate than Telstra, they seem my best bet by a mile.
On 24.09.23 19:19, onefang wrote: > So far they have only screwed up two things,
> neither of them technical. One was they forgot to bill me once.
That sounds forgivable - even if they afterwards remember.
I like the sound of the 4 LAN ports. Sounds pretty much like a plain
NBN modem/router. As was pointed out upthread, I may not have to
do anything fancy at all, just because it's mobile broadband.
Yes, moving is not just relocation, it's a mighty big dislocation.
done rarely. I've moved a lot of gubbins in the ute, but there'll
still be
a truckload of furniture 'n stuff.
Thanks for the heads up about TPG. Out in the sticks, decent internet
is even more an essential service - usually the solar power inverters,
and even commercial battery stacks need to phone home regularly, or
the warranty voids very quickly.