:: [DNG] Formal service descriptions: …
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Autor: Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Data: 2023-08-21 11:12 -000
Para: Lars Noodén, dng
Tópicos Antigos: Re: [DNG] bookworm without systemd
Assunto: [DNG] Formal service descriptions: [WAS: bookworm without systemd]
On 30.07.23 19:04, Lars Noodén via Dng wrote:

> I can't help package full packages but I could help convert unit files
> to SysV and OpenRC, if there are not too many bureaucratic steps.

Maybe we could write a little debhelper that parses unit files and
creates init scripts by that. (maybe won't work for all, but at least
catches most cases).

Even better would be a formal description (maybe yaml) where upstreams
can describe their services and actual configs/scripts for quite any
init system or supervisor can be created from.

Here's an old poc of mine, for some tiny service manager that reads
it's config from some yaml:


Basically some python script that just starts daemons (no actual
supervising yet). It was just meant as little experiment. Maybe it makes
sense rewriting it in golang or rust and create a binary w/o any deps.


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
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