著者: Hendrik Boom 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] ..using language tranlation sites to help (a)cross
language skill barriers, was : system update
On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 03:45:44PM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote: > On Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:14:17 +0700, Alif wrote in message
> <b5657b14-5b3e-c899-aa27-91d667c4a1a9@???>:
> > I want to help you but I have problem with English because it is not
> > my native language.
> ..you're not too bad, I've seen native English speakers do waaay worse.
> ..if you are unsure of your own language skills, write in your own
> native source language and use a few online etc translation sites
> like https://translate.google.com/ or https://www.babla.no/oversetter/ > or https://www.bing.com/translator?setlang= or
> https://duckduckgo.com/?q=translator&ia=web or
> https://www.translator.eu/norsk/engelsk/oversetter/ etc to
> translate your source text into your target lannguage.
> ..thenafter, you wanna use _several_ of these translation tools to
> translate the translations, back into your original source language
> to verify those translations are, if not precisely correct, at least
> somewhat helpful to those you try to help.
> ..advice us you _are_ using language tranlation sites, by leaveing
> in your own native source language message, so we can put the blame
> on the right spot _whenever_ they mess up your translated message.
And who knows? You might encounter a reader who *does* understand
your native language!