:: Re: [devuan-mirrors] Update times f…
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Autor: Matthias Kruk
Data: 2023-08-11 07:41 -000
A: devuan-mirrors
Assumpte: Re: [devuan-mirrors] Update times for package mirrors.
Hey there,

My mirror (devuan.m10k.jp) was one of those updating only once an hour.
I just changed the cronjob to run once every thirty minutes.

Best regards

2023年8月11日(金) 13:46 onefang <devuan_infra@???>:

> G'day Devuan package mirrors.
> I debated wether to send individual emails, or just one to the list.
> Figured I'll start with the list, then individual emails to those that
> don't respond.
> We prefer if the package mirrors update themselves once every 30 minutes,
> espyecially the one son the DNS-RR, and most of you are doing that. So
> if you are one of the ones that is updating every 30 minutes, you can
> ignole the rest of this email, thanks.
> But there's some of you that are marked down as 1, 2, 3, even 4 hours.
> Though some of that was just me guessing based on constant errors from
> apt-panopticon that is monitoering these things. I increase the timwe
> until apt-panopticon stops showing updates errors.
> Could every one please confirm how often you update if not updating every
> 30 minutes. And those that are updating lonegr, please change to 30
> minutes if you can. Especially if you are on the DNS-RR, so everyone
> that is responding to deb.devuan.org is up to date at the same time.
> I asked this last year, but didn't get much response. So this year,
> those that don't respond will get more nagging emails sent to their admin
> address.
> We have the next release happening soon, where it'll be xvery important
> for our mirrors to be up to date sooner rather than later.
> Thanks for running our mirrors.
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