:: Re: [DNG] Multi-monitor Wayland (wa…
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著者: o1bigtenor
日付: 2023-07-25 11:57 -000
CC: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] Multi-monitor Wayland (was Re: bookworm without systemd)
On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 6:33 AM Olaf Meeuwissen
<paddy-hack@???> wrote:
> Hi,
> o1bigtenor via Dng <dng@???> writes:
> > Hmmmmmmmmmmm - - - - out of curiosity I went a looking. Seems like
> > wayland still doesn't play nice with multi-monitor setups.
> Using sway (started from a console login) under Wayland on a two monitor
> setup without noticeable issues. Both monitors are identical. Also run
> the same on a laptop and plugging in a differently sized external
> monitor cleanly starts a new virtual desktop there. Unplugging it moves
> the virtual desktop to the laptops LCD. I believe you can move virtual
> desktops between monitors but don't recall details.

Possibly I am calling virtual desktops something different than you are Mr
Olaf. Running LXQT I use a desktop switcher - - - - and that is what I'm calling
virtual desktops - - - - perhaps this is an incorrect use of the term
- - - please

Two monitor setups are much much more easily setup than when you get
more than that. I first set up a 4 monitor setup in 2012 - - - needed to use
proprietary software as that was the only way to get things done. Nouveau
slowly morphed into something useable but even in 2021 it had difficulties
with driving HDMI displays. That was one reason why I switched to a
Radeon (AMD product) display - - - happened to be their only product at
the time that had 5 ports and now none have more than 4.
> FTR, I also have xwayland installed for the few tools I use that don't
> have Wayland support yet.
> > At least I could NOT find anything that even seemed to suggest that
> > wayland is usable in a multi-monitor setup.
> > Finding more than a few notes of people complaining that its not
> > working or having goofy kinds of issues though.
> My setups run under Daedalus but I should mention that I get by with a
> rather limited set of tools in my day-to-day computing.
> > [...]
> > (Presently running some 5 monitors with some north of 30 virtual
> > desktops and I very much find this system
> > very very useful!!!)
> I don't recall if there is an upper limit on the number of virtual
> desktops but I have used up to 10 on a single display.

KWin is adamant that 'thou shalt use no more than 20 virtual
desktops'. As much a one dev saying that he didn't see why one
would have any need for more. (I would love to have even more
available than I do at the moment but I hate having to reboot to
clear graphics 'messes' so will trade fewer virtual desktops for
greater stability.)

My desires may be out on the fringe for graphics but if I had to
replace my present monitors I would be going to 2 or 3 4k
monitors and then using a decent graphics card. I don't do
gaming but I do use some CADD and would very much like to
do more of that kind of thing - - - I understand rendering is a
resource pig as well - - - haven't gotten there yet. I guess that
my needs moved to larger monitors quite some time ago.
Text - - - and likely programming - - - well 132 column is considered
quite large. I used spreadsheets to 254 columns many years ago
and from there found the need to have larger displays. Spreadsheet
programs will allow one to pin some rows at the top but not so at the
side so the more columns one can see the faster the work is doable.

My use of 2 monitors (landscape stacked horizontally - so I have some
2160 pixels vertical visible) has convinced me that even if I could afford
an 8k display - - - I don't want it. There would be too much head tilting
to use the upper 1/2 of it.

Thanking you for the interaction!!!
