:: Re: [DNG] IOT: was Request for info…
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Autor: Dan Purgert
Data: 2023-06-12 10:07 -000
Dla: Steve Litt
CC: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] IOT: was Request for information - - re: networking
On Jun 11, 2023, Steve Litt wrote:
> Dan Purgert via Dng said on Sat, 10 Jun 2023 19:35:10 -0400
> >On Jun 07, 2023, o1bigtenor via Dng wrote:
> >> On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 4:24 PM Simon <linux@???> wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> > o1bigtenor via Dng <dng@???> wrote:
> [snip]
> >No it's not. It's just that in many cases, the "things" (such as
> >lightbulbs, etc) are easiest to mass-market with wifi. I mean would
> >you want to run ethernet cabling to every "IoT Lightbulb" you want to
> >put in your house?
> I have no IOT lightbulbs or anything else. The only things missing from
> my life as a result of lack of IOT are complexity, expense and security
> problems.

lol, same. The closest thing I have to "IOT" are my toy projects -- but
these aren't some commercial garbage.

> >
> >On the other hand, the "things" can also be HVAC units or other "big
> >appliances" that're hardwired in; and it's probably easy enough to run
> >an ethernet cable there.
> Yeah, I just adore the idea of somebody hacking into my HVAC, turning
> it down to 69 Fahrenheit, and freezing the coils. Or turning off my
> fridge so everything spoils, melts and floods. Or perhaps turns on my
> washing machine and, depending on how "digital" my washing machine is,
> perhaps hack it to simply keep on filling so it overflows and floods my
> home. And if I live on the 5th floor of a condo building, that makes me
> responsible for water damage in several other units.

Haha, yeah, that would be problematic; though the ones I'm used to live
their whole lives on an isolated vlan, with no real "internet"

> Really, except for security systems, I don't see the benefit of
> connecting appliances/lights/HVAC to the Internet. I've never once said
> "Boy, I wish my fridge could report its state to me and allow me to
> control it remotely." I just don't grok IOT.

Quite nice for the maintenance guys to call up the however-many units in
their care across the university campus ... but yeah, that's not quite

The rest of the stuff is toys for the masses.

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