:: [DNG] IOT tech description/rants Wa…
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Autor: o1bigtenor
Datum: 2023-06-11 11:08 -000
CC: Devuan ML
Alte Treads: Re: [DNG] Request for information - - re: networking
Betreff: [DNG] IOT tech description/rants Was Re: Request for information - - re: networking
On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 4:22 AM Didier Kryn <kryn@???> wrote:
> Le 11/06/2023 à 09:45, dng@??? a écrit :
> > On 11-06-2023 08:45, tito via Dng wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I really cannot find any good reason why I would want to connect
> >> any "T" to the "IO" be it a light bulb, door lock, fridge, heater,
> >> TV, car, etc, besides being spied even more than it is already done
> >> with my smartphone and PC.
> >> In the future possessing a classic light bulb will be a sign of
> >> political
> >> opposition, but anyway it will work only if the smart light bulb holder
> >> allows it, if the smart wall switch recognizes your fingerprint or
> >> voice,
> >> if the smart electric power meter thinks you have paid enough....
> >> BTW the smart door lock don't lets me in today and the f...ing car
> >> says it will not drive me autonomously to sea because the AI
> >> thinks it is better that I go the the mall to enjoy the targeted
> >> shopping experience.
> >>
> >> "O tempora, o mores"
> >>
> >> Ciao,
> >> Tito
> >
> > I do have IOT devices like switches and sensors but all using Zigbee
> > combined with Homeassistant (free and open software) and only local
> > access, no cloud or app. Smart bulbs are useless when not used with a
> > smart switch because they need to be always powered on. But when you
> > have a smart switch or dimmer why use a smart bulb? Locks, TV, fridge
> > or heater would be the last devices I would connect to the net. Just
> > a few sensors with Zigbee to monitor the situation and to notify you
> > if needed is enough imo. There is not really a good reason to use wifi
> > either but if you have too: on a separate vlan and all traffic to the
> > outside blocked.
>      My new water heater is allegedly smart and connected. Actually the
> lazy plumber installed it because it is lighter than the previous one.
> It cannot be adjusted to the max temperature if not connected, but I
> don't want it to reach the company's server periodically and have it
> hacked by the GPU. Anyway the server seems unreachable. It happened once
> that I had to power-cycle it for reboot -- I mean reboot the water heater!


IMO much of this IOT tech is just garbage tech - - - I don't need to monitor
my water heater or fridge near as much as I need it to just work!
(We just had to change fridge somewhat over a year ago - - - - what a fiasco!!)

As long as people keep buy 'toys' instead of demanding serious tools - - - well
the garbage will continue. (Comes to automotive - - - I'm thinking of
buy used quite old vehicle - - - the newer stuff - - - it isn't made
to work never mind to last!!!)
