:: Re: [DNG] compose key with Dell key…
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著者: Bill Purvis
日付: 2023-05-17 16:40 -000
To: dng
新しいトピック: Re: [DNG] compose key with Dell keyboard [solved]
題目: Re: [DNG] compose key with Dell keyboard
On 17/05/2023 16:56, al3xu5 via Dng wrote:
> Wed, 17 May 2023 11:16:57 -0400 - Haines Brown<haines@???>:
>> I used to have an IBM M-5 keyboard and used the Alt_R key as the
>> compose key. When I switched to a Dell Quiet Key keyboard compose
>> ceased to work.
>> I find that
>>    $ nano /etc/default/keyboard
>>      XKBMODEL="pc105"
>>      XKBLAYOUT="us"
>>      XKBVARIANT=""
>>      XKBOPTIONS="compose:ralt"
>>      BACKSPACE="guess"

>> I copied the currrent keyboard map to my home direcory:
>>    $ xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap

>> When I go to edit it to define a compose key, they map lacks the
>> key I need:
>>    $ xmodmap -pke | grep Alt
>>      keycode  64 = Alt_L Meta_L Alt_L Meta_L

>>    but no Alt_R or ralt. I could use right Windows but do not see it
>>    in the map either.

> On my keyboard Alt_R is working and I have:
> $ cat /etc/default/keyboard
>    XKBMODEL="pc105"
>    XKBLAYOUT="it"
>    BACKSPACE="guess"

> (almost sure a restart of Xserver should be required to effect changes in
> /etc/default/keyboard)
> and:
> $ xmodmap -pk | grep Alt
>         64        0xffe9 (Alt_L)    0xffe7 (Meta_L)    0xffe9
>    (Alt_L)    0xffe7 (Meta_L) 204        0x0000 (NoSymbol)
>    0xffe9 (Alt_L)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffe9 (Alt_L)    

> so... no Alt_R nor ralt...
> ...but I have Mode_switch which should be synonymous with AltGr:
> $ xmodmap -pke | grep Mode_switch
>    keycode 203 = Mode_switch NoSymbol Mode_switch

> So maybe you need to use Mode_switch...
> Regards
> al3xu5
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Does your Dell keyboard actually have an Alt key on the right of space?

If so try running xev. This pops up a window, move the mouse over it and
press the right Alt key and see what it reports.


| Bill Purvis                            |
| email:bill@???                   |
