:: [devuan-dev] Devuan websites need a…
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Autore: golinux
Data: 2023-04-30 16:11 -000
To: Dng
CC: devuan-dev
Oggetto: [devuan-dev] Devuan websites need a makeover for Daedalus
Greetings fellow travelers!

The next Devuan stable release, Daedalus, is on the horizon and it is
time to recolor the Devuan websites to mirror the signature Sapphire
theme color palette. It has been a great ride for me through 5 Devuan
releases but it is time to pass the torch.

The Devuan websites have always reflected the signature colors of the
current Devuan stable release default desktop. It requires changing the
hexes in the CSS for all 4 of them as well as recoloring a few icons.
Here is the list of websites needing attention:

The color palette of the Daedalus Sapphire desktop theme is here:

If you are interested in taking on this task, I will be available to
walk you through the process.

If no one steps up, the website(s) colors will remain on the Chimaera
Deep Sea theme for the duration.

Finally a shout-out to all of you for so kindly supporting my colorful
efforts as I have muddled my way though the theming process over the
