:: Re: [maemo-leste] Nokia N900 voice …
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Auteur: Merlijn Wajer
Datum: 2023-04-16 12:38 -000
Aan: maemo-leste, Pavel Machek, arno ll
Onderwerp: Re: [maemo-leste] Nokia N900 voice calls

Hi Arno, Pavel,

On 15/04/2023 23:52, Merlijn Wajer wrote:

> Pavel, I suggested to Arno that we can lower the latency in pulseaudio
> and I think he said he got it down to 30ms (from 600ms) or so. It's not
> a clear implementation yet (kind of hack), but he said the audio quality
> was good. So we might be getting somewhere here.
> I tried to force the latency to be low with this commit:
> https://github.com/maemo-leste/libcmtspeechdata/commit/ba3d714a953bd083ea0b61b282daaf81e954cb4a
> - but Arno reported it doesn't work well and makes things really choppy.
> I read this article
> https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/Developer/Clients/LatencyControl/
> and wrote the commit based on that. Maybe it's outdated info.

Arno and I did another test, and with the latency set to 100ms [1] we
get low latency audio at quality. The CPU usage is still high, but I
think that's something we can try to figure out a bit later. Probably PA
doing a lot of resampling.

