Le 23/03/2023 à 23:00, Ken Dibble a écrit :
> Sorry for the overly general subject.
> I really couldn't quickly establish a subject that would encompass my
> thoughts.
> The Event:
> I don't usually do graphics stuff (no talent), but occassionally I am
> called upon by family
> to help them. In this instance it was a child's drawing and writing
> samples being sent to a
> specialized physician. For some reason they would not accept anything
> other than pdf
> and the source material was most certainly not a pdf.
> The first thought was the 'convert' tool from imagemagick. It would
> not allow me to change
> the jpegs to pdf. The reason given was imagemagick security policy.
> For Reference here is the url:
> https://imagemagick.org/script/security-policy.php
> I do not know who makes decisions. I do know that having a bunch of
> people
> running around making conflicting decisions is a bad idea.
> Linux already has the often hated AppArmor. But there is no entry for
> ImageMagick
> in /etc/apparmor.d/. So this was not a case of 'whomever' trying to
> supplement
> or improve something. It was either a case of not knowing of
> alternatives, being
> to lazy or ignorant to try to find them, or just saying 'my way'.
> If the way forward is for everyone to create their own policies,
> formats, file locations, etc., then my opinion is that we may as well
> all pack up our stuff and go to RedHat, Ubuntu, or Microsoft.
> I have no idea how widespread this 'do things my way and ignore
> everybody else' attitude and
> implementation is. My only hope is that someone of some influence
> grinds it to a halt before
> it spreads.
Imagemagick developpers habve become mental. Their software is
delivered non-working by explicit design. I would imagine Debian would
have changed that, but no.
To make it usable, you should modify /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
(if acl allows you to do so) in the following way: replace every
occurence of 'rights="none"' with 'rights="all"' . Needless to do it
inside xml comment-lines <?-- ...-->.
I acl forbids you to do it, there's probably some tool you have to
learn to use to change the acl, but the simplest way is to remount /
whith -o noacl.
-- Didier