# Devuan meet 2023-03-09 @20:30 UTC
Present: fsmithred, john Faulk, golinux, Hendrik Boom, altoid (late
## Old Business
## Old Actions
## New Business
(john Faulk) makecds updated with refactored code
created by plasma41. Codebase has been shrunk by over 70 lines while
also eliminating dependency on dctrl-tools and retaining full
functionality. As always, code can be found here:
(altoid) Good work, John.
### LeePen
#### ci.d.o
* Show recent d/changelog on #devuan-ci when building.
* Upgraded jenkins to new stable version 2.387.1
#### BTS
Optimisations for version tracking index scripts
#### Packaging
* ceres: network-manager, consolekit2, xorg-server
## New Actions