I think, the bug can be reassignet to fvwm2.
I seen the following line in .xsession-errors. I did not see it bevore
as this file is removed with every login..
fvwm2: ../../src/xcb_io.c:626: _XAllocID: Zusicherung »ret != inval_id« nicht erfüllt.
What I definitively can rule out is the dmo packages as I explicitly
installed the devuan packages for a test with the same result.
Klaus Ethgen http://www.ethgen.ch/
pub 4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16 Klaus Ethgen <Klaus@???>
Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753 62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C