:: Re: [DNG] OT: Damned phones
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Szerző: viverna
Dátum: 2023-03-04 13:17 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] OT: Damned phones
il devuanizzato capercally.bleery670@??? <capercally.bleery670@???> il 03-03-23 18:59:08 ha scritto:
>I am desperately looking for a way to upload files from my Android 12
>phone to my Unix desktop, subject to several constraints:
>- no round trip to cloud and back, I can't afford the bandwidth
>- no MTP over USB, too fscking unreliable
>- only libre Android apps (available from F-droid), as there's no
> google account on the phone

You may try Dropbear:

Mount a remote filesystem using SSH:
sshfs -p2222 -o allow_root root@PHONE_IP:/sdcard/ YOURMOUNTPOINT

Insert the generated password that can be read on the phone screen.

fusermount -u YOURMOUNTPOINT

< Viverna >
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