:: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2023-02-…
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Autor: B Stack
Data: 2023-02-14 22:28 -000
Para: devuan developers internal list
Assunto: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2023-02-09
# Devuan meet 2023-02-09 @20:30 UTC

Pad is here:

Meet here: https://vdc.dyne.org/devuan
  * Please post notes prior to the meet.
  * Please add your name as 'Present' below when you get to the meet.
  * When adding a comment in someone else's notes, please pre-pend your
    name like this: (whoever) whatever . . .

Present: fsmithred, golinux, John Faulk, plasma41, rrq, hendrik
*(Altoid): sorry for skipping the meet, was delayed away from home.

## Old Business

## Old Actions

## New Business

### golinux
* fsfe Invitation to the I Love FreeSoftware Party on Feb 14th in

### John Faulk In light of recent events, and out of encouragement to
finally share my designs and ideas on such a system with the world, I
cobbled together the Adversity Response Kit, also known as the ARK
System A copy of the repo can be found here:
https://codeberg.org/MrReplikant/Adversity-Response-Kit This is still
WIP. It leverages the versatility and flexibility of Debian (or
sibling distros, namely Devuan, ParrotOS, and Kali), and amalgamates
it with the Bedrock Linux Userland. The reason for the latter is wide
in scope, which I'll discuss and answer any questions on in the meet.
The long-term goal is for the system, when fully constructed by the
user, to be capable of the following: 1. Creating (and maintaining) an
offline mirror of the chosen host distro's repository [COMPLETE] 2.
House local copies of Wikipedia, and other such crititcal information
bases [COMPLETE] 3. Be able to re-create this setup on another machine
if needed [IN PROGRESS] 4. Enable an advanced multi-arch development
workflow [COMPLETE BY WAY OF BEDROCK] 5. Be able to locally generate
installation media OR hard drive images, both for host arch and other
mirrored arches [NOT YET DONE] 6. Be able to serve the packages from
the ARK System to other machines [COMPLETE]
* (plasma41) Sounds like EndlessOS meets Freedombox

### LeePen

#### ci.d.o
* Updated jenkins to stable version 2.375.3.
* Updated jenkins plugins.
* Cleared stuck processes on ppc64el builder.

#### BTS Enabled version tracking. This works for all packages we have
built, but not Debian redirects. Jenkins pipeline integration for this
is in testing.
**Please note:** tracking versions in the BTS means that historical
changelog versions are important. Please do not rebase Devuan patches
on top of a new Debian version any more, but merge the new Debian
version into the existing Devuan tree. d1src-merge from
devscripts-devuan may be useful. Enabled link to pkginfo.d.o from
src:package bug page. Still slowly working through old bug reports.
Help required/welcome.

#### Packaging

##### Branding and config overrides I have been looking at some of the
  branding/configuration bugs and adding fixes to
  * CUPS testpage [#239](https://bugs.devuan.org/239)
  * xdm logo: [#361](https://bugs.devuan.org/361)
  * apt-mirror urls: [#368](https://bugs.devuan.org/368) (John) Are we
    gonna address unattended-upgrades? From what I see that's all still
    debian The POC (rebuild Debian source without forking)
    I will upgrade the production Jenkins pipeline next week when all
    the testing is finished.

##### xorg using libseat No new problems reported from ceres.
[#741](https://bugs.devuan.org) is unreproducible ATM. I propose
removing the block and allowing normal migration to daedalus. (john)
Sounds good to me

##### Other updates
* ceres: debian-config-override, xorg-server (upstream CVE fix), dbus
* chimaera-backports: network-manager

### fsmithred
* New version of live-boot in daedalus means that live-isos will build
again. I started working on them yesterday. Will upload new live-isos
in the next few days.

## New Actions