:: [devuan-dev] bug#157: System does n…
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Skribent: Mark Hindley
Dato: 2023-02-05 10:21 -000
Til: Klaus Ethgen
CC: 157
Emne: [devuan-dev] bug#157: System does not boot due to dependency to /usr
Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: tags -1 - moreinfo


Now I know more about how your system is setup (from other bug reports you have
submitted), I am going to change the severity of this report to wishlist.

That doesn't mean I don't understand your concerns, or think that they are not
important. However, booting Debian without initramfs to mount /usr has not been
officially supported for a number of releases (Jessie or even Wheezy, I
think). I regret this and wish it still was a possibility. But that decision has
been made and I see no realistic or practical way of Devuan going against it.

I know that will be disappointing to you. If you have practical ways you think
we can achieve it, by all means say.

With thanks and best wishes
