:: [devuan-dev] bug#620: enlightenment…
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Συντάκτης: Mark Hindley
Ημερομηνία: 2023-02-03 10:50 -000
Προς: 620
Υ/ο: Peter
Παλιά Θέματα: [devuan-dev] bug#620: enlightenment: SVG application icons are not displayed in menu or panel
Αντικείμενο: [devuan-dev] bug#620: enlightenment: SVG application icons are not displayed in menu or panel
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On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 02:57:30PM +0100, Mark Hindley wrote:
> However, e17 is not a forked source in Devuan and we use Debian's packages
> directly without recompilation. Please report this directly to Debian's BTS to
> be fixed there.


Is this still an issue? If it is, I can forward your report to Debian, if not I
will close.
