Your message dated Tue, 24 Jan 2023 17:08:06 +0000
with message-id <Y9AQdroLSL6ImZgL@???>
and subject line Closing src:tahoe-lafs bugs
has caused the Devuan bug report #286,
regarding tahoe-lafs: "tahoe -V" gives following Warning: dependency ... was not found by pkg_resources.
to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact owner@???
Devuan Bug Tracking System
Contact owner@??? with problems
Package: tahoe-lafs
Version: 1.12.1-5
Severity: normal
Dear Maintainer,
"tahoe -V" gives following Warnings:
Warning: dependency 'cryptography' (version '2.3' imported from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages') was not found by pkg_resources.
Warning: dependency 'cffi' (version '1.11.5' imported from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages') was not found by pkg_resources.
Warning: dependency 'six' (version '1.12.0' imported from '/usr/lib/python2.7') was not found by pkg_resources.
Warning: dependency 'enum34' (version '1.1.6' imported from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages') was not found by pkg_resources.
Warning: dependency 'pycparser' (version '2.19' imported from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages') was not found by pkg_resources.
For debugging purposes, the PYTHONPATH was
install_requires was
['setuptools >= 11.3', 'zfec >= 1.1.0', 'simplejson >= 1.4', 'zope.interface >= 3.6.0, != 3.6.3, != 3.6.4', 'foolscap >= 0.12.6', 'pycrypto >= 2.1.0, != 2.2, != 2.4', 'pycryptopp >= 0.6.0', 'service-identity', 'characteristic >= 14.0.0', 'pyasn1 >= 0.1.8', 'pyasn1-modules >= 0.0.5', 'Twisted[tls] >= 16.1.0', 'Nevow >= 0.11.1', 'pyOpenSSL >= 0.14', 'PyYAML >= 3.11']
sys.path after importing pkg_resources was
-- System Information:
Distributor ID: Devuan
Description: Devuan GNU/Linux beowulf/ceres
Release: 10
Codename: n/a
Architecture: x86_64
Kernel: Linux > 4.8 amd64
Locale: LANG=C
Init: sysvinit (via /sbin/init)
Versions of packages tahoe-lafs depends on:
ii lsb-base 10.2018112800
ii net-tools 1.60+git20180626.aebd88e-1+devuan1
ii python 2.7.15-4
ii python-cffi 1.11.5-3
ii python-characteristic 14.3.0-2
ii python-crypto 2.6.1-9+b1
ii python-foolscap 0.13.1-3
ii python-nevow 0.14.2-2
ii python-openssl 18.0.0-1
ii python-pkg-resources 40.6.3-1
ii python-pyasn1 0.4.2-3
ii python-pyasn1-modules 0.2.1-0.2
ii python-pycparser 2.19-1
ii python-pycryptopp 0.7.1-4
ii python-service-identity 16.0.0-2
ii python-setuptools 40.6.3-1
ii python-simplejson 3.15.0-1+b1
ii python-twisted 18.9.0-3
ii python-twisted-core 18.9.0-3
ii python-yaml 3.13-2
ii python-zfec 1.5.2-2+b1
ii python-zope.interface 4.3.2-1+b2
tahoe-lafs recommends no packages.
tahoe-lafs suggests no packages.
-- no debconf information
src:tahoe-lafs was removed from Debian[1]. Closing.