Autor: hal Datum: 2022-12-06 11:44 -000 To: dng Betreff: [DNG] Chimera upgrade and audio
I upgraded from Beowulf to Chimera yesterday. Seems pretty cool so far except for a pulseaudio/alsa issue.
I run my browser as a different user as a way to segregate the browser session from my home directory. This always requires some fiddling with audio to get sound working correctly. I had it working OK on Beowulf but I think pulse was mostly inactive by that time. Also, audio never worked in Firefox. I had to use Brave or Palemoon.
I'm not sure if simply removing pulseaudio is the right answer here. If I launch a pulseaudio daemon as the user running the browser session, audio now works in Firefox. One problem is the volume control in LXDE does not work with alsa so I need to launch pavucontrol for the user running the browser session as well.
Wondering if anyone might know a better configuration for sharing audio between users?